Sunday, July 26, 2009

UiTM ---shut down---


seperti mana yg diketahui anda2 sekalian, seluruh UiTM di Malaysia telah ditutup gara2 UiTM induk Shah Alam di"quarantine" akibat wabak H1N1. daku dpt berita ni drp kawan se-JPK daku pada hari Jumaat sebelum pergi solat Jumaat. pada waktu itu, berita mengenai cuti sudah tersebar dgn pantas lagi lancar tanpa sekatan. pasal cuti memang laju, tuh perkara biasa bg student2 cam kiter nih. hehehe...

Daku yg time tuh cam x cayer yg UiTM cuti pun call la rakan JPK daku yg len, J dan juga termasuk Presiden MPP, abang Mursyidi. kedua-duanya suruh tunggu pekeliling naik kat board. then, petang tuh, memang dah pasti cuti seminggu sampai 2/8. tak sangka plak gurauan daku yg UiTM kena quarantine H1N1 jd kenyataan. ish, mulut cilakak tul lar daku nih.

kawan sekelas daku, 2 org telah di"suspect" atas nama H1N1. dahsyat kan? ak plak sedar x sedar asyik layan jer 2 org tuh, sblum diorang kena suspect penyakit nih. byk gak laa bebudak klas yg cam ader symptom2 termasuk daku, banyak nyer batuk2, sakit tekak, n bersin yg x henti2.. ader gak 2,3 org yg demam, then berjangkit dr sorang ke sorang yg laen. daku kena sakit tekak jer.. tp daku anggap sebab jerebu kat cni 2,3 hari lepas. tuh jer.. skang dah xde sangat dah symptom2 tuh. dah ok~~

tuk yg laen2, jaga diri tuh, jgn dekat ngan org yg ader penyakit swinub flu tuh. amik precaution steps.

tuh jer, wassalam~~~

Friday, July 10, 2009

internet restriction, no atm, no transport..etc..etc..

salam2 everyone~~

there's been lot of complaints from da students in this remote and isolated jungle campus. no atm machine,post office, transport to go to da city,..etc..etc..
all students keep on complaining till mah ears get hurt.

"eii when da atm machine gonna get installed here? i wanna check mah PTPTN"
"when the rapid kl wanna come to this place? me wanna go shopping lah"

when this, when that.. aii,.. feel want to lempang them all.. what's the use complaining to me? me oso new here, don't have enuf infos 'bout this place leh. me oso can't go out shopping. me oso have money problems.

if u wanna go shopping go by urself laa. u all got frens that bring transport what. then go to da nearest bank and go check ur PTPTN. u all can call ur parents n have 'em check for u rite? always want to complain, y can't u all find the backup solutions b4 complaining? there'll always be another ways.

"eh, there's not much food selections here"
"the food not delicious lah"
"always eat the same food, me getting bored aldy"

another "stupid" complaints that i accidently heard during lunch time in Rafflesia cafe center. isn't it obvious y those problems occur? this place is still new!! it's just like when you just move to a new house with not enuf furnitures and house equipments. u can't expect that everything will be there ready waiting for you when u arrived there, and live like a king (ya, the king of idiocities). think guys, think carefully with ur one and only brain in ur head.

"bukan senang nak senang n bukan susah nak susah."

remember that words till dead. just be thankful that u guys are the first badge that can feel all the new furnitures. be thankful that u guys still can eat. be thankful that u guys still can go to lecture's class and study.

now is the part that most students including me (hehe..) didn't really expect. the internet connection is slow, but still we can access the internet. that part is ok, but the one that we make us feel a little annoyed is the internet restriction system.

i don't know whether if it was the office or the UiTM. from the information i heard, the system will go off after the office hour, however.. jangkaan meleset sama skali, it was 24 hours restriction!! the system won't go off!! we can't have any entertainments then.. and some sites that is supposed to have information that we need is blocked. law yah laa..
that's all that me wanna say for now,..till then...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


salam2 semua nyer, sape2 yg terkunjung blog daku secara sengaja mahupun tidak. hohohoho~

seperti yg daku maklumkan di blog2 sblom ini, daku telah berpindah ke kampus UiTM Puncak Alam, dekat2 dgn pekan Meru. Kwsan yg very isolated dr perhubungan luar. daku pun masih menreuskan tugas daku sebagai seorang JPK di sini. dengar2 nyer nak bwat 5 program jer dlm sem nih. huhu, x ler bz sngat.
so, daku nak citer sket pasal kampus baru daku.

"capacity" kat cni anggar2 nyer seramai 4000 org. fuh. ramai tuh.. nak handle d0rang sumer dlm program musti sakit kpala.
Kolej dekat sini diberi nama sbgai Kolej Rafflesia n Kolej Angsana. tempat nih pun "dibuat oleh batu & konkrit", so kena la slalu jaga2.

angin dekat sini pun agak sepoi2 bahasa. tp bile time hujan, cam ribut taufan, sampai khemah tuk pndaftaran hari tuh, terbang n terbalik + musnah diranapkan angin. khemah yang berat pun bleh dilayangkan camtuh jer... ish3 x dpt korang bayangkan kan? tapi itulah realiti di sini...

kat sini line h/phone agak x berguna laa, only celcom can manage, but that one oso like chipsmore, sometimes got, sometimes no line at all.. Maxis very rarely got here. Digi is beyond your imagination, the yellow men still didn'treach this place. got lost lor. lol~~

internet got wireless @ the cafe, still dunno whether it's aldy ok or not. the cable one is ok, but very law yah. like school's internet, got restriction. even frenster oso can't enter. suei btol lar..

that's all nak ckp today. bahasa rojak sket. mwahahaha~~~~
wassalam~~ out!!