Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It DoEs BriNg BaCk MemORiEs....

helloo everyone~~
salam2 sumer nyer.

daku ari nih cam biasa, duk dpn pc sambil dengaq lagu n lukis2. then, terdetik gak kat ati nak bukak laci n amek satu file tebal yg banyak simpan memory. dlm tuh suku dr artwork2 lamer yg dilukis oleh daku. banyaknyer dah dijual kat kertas2 terpakai include exam paper yg lamer2 n oso newspaper. x baek membazir, so at least daku jual tuk recycle, dpt slamatkan pokok2.

yg mane2 yg daku rasa bermakna, daku simpan, yg artwok gagal tuh daku jual. ader gak yg daku post kat galeri daku kalo daku raser sayang tp mesti direcycle dgn laen2 nyer sebab menyemak kat bilik.

some said that I was gifted in drawing.
well, now all of u can see that your opinion is totally wrong..
see all those "junks" that i've made?
(sampah yang menggunung tinggi)

how many years do you think those things can be made?
4 years? 5 years?
nope~ that's only 2 years.
there are still some more (from the past years), but most have been recycle.

some have been posted here, some unfinished, some failed, some need to be repaired...

itu kata2 yg daku postkan kat deviantart daku sambil daku tunjuk gamba di mana org slalu ckp practice make perfect. skang daku dah dpt bwat beberapa art yg daku rasa memang daku puas hati (di lvl daku bukan lvl profesional)..

n kalu nak tgk brape byk nyer sacrifices yg daku dah bwat jom, tgk gamba2 nih~

kerje2 lama yg bertimbun

yg terbaru yg baru dipost di galeri~

kat sini pon daku simpan artwork2 daku..

tempat simpanan yg sebnau, ade 2 file lg tuh..

nih ler tempat terpencil yg daku guner tuk siapkan artwork2 daku.. tuh laa gamba2 karakter yg nak di inking..

dah nmpak kan? sacrifice2 yg begitu byk hanya nak smpai kat tahap daku nih jer... no talent no gift only got interest to do...

that's all for now~~ c ya~~


  1. awak yg lukis sume tu?
    ?soOooOO creative!!

  2. eh....aku ingat lg pencil box ko...wakakak....slalu kena r*pe ngan thiru..wakakak
